How It Works

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How to register as a rider:

You can register with us as a rider in 3 simple steps:

Download the Nohung Rider app
Register yourself with basic information
Once accepted, you can start delivering to our hungry customer

Once you have been accepted as a Nohung Rider after running a background check, you will have to register your vehicle (bike/cycle). Your vehicle will be checked for whether it meets all of the applicable laws and safety requirements.

As a part of your registration, you will have to provide your driving licence, registration certificate, address proof, PAN card, insurance certificate and bank account proof. Please note that in order to be a rider with Nohung, you need to be at least 18 years of age

Riders will be paid on a weekly basis, based on the number of deliveries made by you during the week. You will be able to keep track of your earnings through the Nohung app for riders. As a rider, you can register your own vehicle to use for delivering food to our hungry customers, work within the allocated neighbourhood or across the city.

For more details for registering with us as a rider or for registering your kitchen, please reach out to us at or our team will directly contact you after your registration.


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